Gabriel Kivivuori Sereno, baritone – Janne Mertanen, piano

Gabriel Kivivuori Sereno, baritone - Janne Mertanen, piano
Date: 5.2.
Time: 19:00 - 20:40
Location: Lyceumklubi
Tickets: 35 €

Baritone Gabriel Kivivuori Sereno and piano virtuoso Janne Mertanen once again combine their musicality in a programme where charming Spanish serenades and Beethoven’s beloved song cycle take the listener into a frenzy of deep love. After the intermission, there are dreams of love and longing, and finally there is a sunrise and acceptance of the loss of a loved one.


Gabriel Kivivuori Sereno, baritone

Janne Mertanen, piano

The salon buffet opens 1 hour before the event.

Limited tickets for Salon concerts, 40 pcs/concert