From Darkness into Great Light

Päiväys: 19.3.
Klo: 19:00 - 20:20
Sijainti: Café Sonck
Liput: 25 €

In the concert, releasing their lieder disc ”Songs of Late Summer”, Sami Luttinen and Tuula Hällström perform songs by Franz Schubert, Yrjö Kilpinen and Mikko Heiniö.


Franz Schubert                            songs

Yrjö Kilpinen                                 songs from the cycle ”Reflexer”, op.33-34 to poems by Pär Lagerkvist

Mikko Heiniö                                songs from the cycle ”Song of Late Summer”, op. 89a to poems by Lassi Nummi


Sami Luttinen, bass

Tuula Hällström, piano

Lippuja Salonkikonsertteihin rajoitetusti, 40 kpl/konsertti

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